Constipation in Elderly

As well as natural changes to the gut, constipation can also be triggered by age-specific drugs such as anti-inflammatories, a low-fibre diet, lack of exercise and limitations to physical movement, and a decreased thirst.

Why do older people suffer more often from constipation?

Constipation is not an illness in itself but a symptom. As we age, changes take place in the intestine. It expands and so creates more storage space for the body’s waste products. This means that the stool remains in the intestine for longer, increasing the probability that more fluid will be extracted from it and causing it to harden. Also, constipation is induced by external factors described below..

Causes of Constipation in Elderly

With increasing age, many people undergo not only physical changes but also radical transformations of their personal circumstances, which all favour constipation:

  • Aged-related medication (e.g. anti-rheumatics)
  • Diet containing less fibre than before
  • Inadequate exercise because of physical limitations/immobility
  • Poor fluid consumption if the sensation of thirst diminishes

Help for constipation

Some laxatives don’t act for the first 6-8 hours, and others only after 1-2 days. With MICROLAX® you have the option to organise your day the way YOU like. With MICROLAX® Enema you can get relief within 30 minutes. The enema acts locally in the rectum and has very minimal effect on intestinal activity, so there is a low impact on bowel activity.

Lifestyle and Constipation callout

Symptoms of constipation

Check out our list of 9 common constipation symptoms

Home Remedies callout

Home Remedies

Uncover the small everyday changes you can make to help find relief for constipation.

Preventing Constipation in Children callout

Healthy Digestion

From food to exercise, discover tips to help you avoid constipation and maintain a healthy digestive flow.


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